Weight Training Guide for Beginners (and the benefits)
It’s completely normal to want to be healthy and have a great looking body...and for many of us, this includes bigger muscles. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to adopt a weight training routine.
This has the benefits of greater strength, increased metabolism, weight loss, bone strength, and coordination. Weight training is great for those whose optimal results can’t come from a strict cardio workout.
The tools you need to work out will depend on which part(s) of the body you want to strengthen or tone. Generally, it is best to work out all of your muscle groups to achieve your overall fitness goal. Overall, you don’t have to be too specific with the equipment, but weights are a must. You can choose to go to the gym, since you’ll have full access to their weights and machines; if that’s not possible or desirable, however, you can still work out at home to build strength.
Most beginners are confused about how much weight they should start with when they train for the first time. Simply start out low, to the point at which you can easily lift the weights, while still providing some resistance. It’s not advisable to start with heavy weights, as your muscles have not yet warmed up for it, which increases risk of injury. So, whether using machines or free weights, make sure you start low and gradually increase the weight over time.
Another important thing to consider: to get the best results, you should allow your muscles to rest and heal after a good workout session. When lifting heavy weights, your muscles stretch, causing microscopic tears in the tissues. The tears are normal, since that’s how your muscles grow, allowing you to lift more weight over time.
Again, this is important: don’t forget to start with warmup exercises to get your heart pumping and prep your muscles for lifting. A good warmup should last about 5-10 minutes to increase your energy and get you focused.
When weight training, don’t try to overdo it. The most common mistake for beginners is believing they should work longer at the gym to see results. In reality, the truth is that the longer you train, the higher the chance of injury. Rest between sets and don’t work out the same muscle group every day; switch it up. Start out with simple workouts, then gradually move to advanced ones.
The most challenging part of training is sticking to your plan or schedule. If you can simply stick to your schedule, then you’ve already won half the battle. Sometimes you just need to push yourself to get the result that you want, whether it’s being healthy or fit. Lastly, when lifting weights, don’t forget to consume more calories, good fats, protein, and water between workouts. That way, you’ll have enough energy to start your next weight training session.